
"For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve..."

- Mark 10:45

Volunteer FAQ

What are the time commitments?

Time commitments vary with different ministries. We strive to work with  your schedule and availability.

What skills are needed to serve at FSBC?

If special skills are required, we will provide training for those unique roles.  We strive help you discover your gifts and find a ministry that accommodates your gifting.

Do I have to be a member in order to volunteer at FSBC?

Membership is required to teach a class or to  lead a ministry team. Beyond these circumstances,  we strive to make it easy to serve within the body of Christ.

What does it take to serve in kids ministry?

Because we value the safety of our minors we require a 6 month affiliation with our church in addition to a screening process intended to create the safest possible environment.

Ready to Serve?